Monday, April 22, 2019

Critique On Border "Solutions"

I read an article on New York Times about how "Trump's Border 'Solutions' Will Make Things Worse." The author's intended audience is those who are worried about whatever is with immigration. The way that the author constructed the claim is very understanding. The author explains the problem, gives some examples, and proposes a solution. The problem is the proposed wall by President Trump, which makes people scare and causes them to migrate to the U.S. Too much immigration is going on and there could be bigger consequences to that like the author mentions there is a lot being done to prevent a tragedy but diseases are being seen and it won't take long for it to happen. Evidence is photos of many migrants including children being confined in an inadequate place. The wall is encouraging more migration rather than stopping it which was the President's main reason for it. The author says "... No one with a working knowledge of immigration policy believes that closing the border is a solution to the recent surge." Agencies are doing the best they can to keep up with the asylum searching families, but there is so much right now. The solution provided was "... Reforming federal immigration laws and to aid to improve economic conditions in Central America. And most urgently, Congress needs to come up with a more nimble legal framework to address the glut of asylum claims..." This is the author telling what can be done to better things at the border. I agree with the author of this article because of how it was written. It wasn't confusing and I was able to tell that the author was not supporting either side but stating his opinion on the subject.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Article Intro

I read an article on about President Trump's retreat on a new health care plan. The name of the article is "Trump Retreats on a Health Care After McConnell Warns it Won't Happen" is was written by Robert Pear and Maggie Haberman. In the article the so famous new Republican Health care plan is discussed, which it's said that doesn't even exist. I read that McConnell told the President that the Senate won't revisit the health care issue until the November 2020 elections. Basically the President and the Republicans do not have a well thought replacement for the Affordable Care Act. They are not looking very good on that issue because they haven't yet presented a new health care plan.
This article is worth reading because it informs us about what is going on with health care. We as people are worried about prices going up or down on health care. On this article we are told that for now the A.C.A is standing still at least until the 2020 elections.